
8 Life Lessons We Have Learned From The Coronavirus Situation


Ili •  Mar 28, 2020

If someone were to tell us that the world would be confronted with a pandemic in the beginning of 2020, we'd probably reply with a shrug and disbelief ?‍♀️ No one would have ever guessed that within a short period of time, communities from everywhere would be forced to adjust to major changes caused by the coronavirus outbreak - lockdowns and travel restrictions, mosque closures andsocial distancingamong other things.

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Although this global crisis has undoubtedly brought waves of misfortune, the situation has certainly highlighted some important life lessons that we should all learn from and carry with as we continue to adapt to the new normal.

1. Take care of your health and well-being

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Ever since the coronavirus outbreak, issues surrounding health have taken front and center stage. It’s been over a decade since the world last faced a pandemic (SARS was identified back in 2003) and now that we find ourselves in the middle of a widespread disease once again, it has given us a hard nudge on the importance of taking care of our health and well-being. 

Keeping your hygiene in check should be a given, coronavirus or not. And on top of daily practices like washing your hands and taking showers, staying fit with simple exercises and eating healthy foods should be incorporated into your routine as well. Adapting these habits isn’t an overnight process, so just start with small changes and you’ll soon see improvement in your health, energy and activity. 

P.S. For more ways to stay healthy, check out these 8 tips that’ll boost your immunity during the coronavirus outbreak

2. Appreciate the little things in life

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It’s easy to get caught up in life especially when you’re living a fast-paced one. Though we may not do it on purpose, we tend to take the little things in life for granted and in this moment of the pandemic, simple activities such as jogging in the park, going on coffee runs and simply hanging out in cafes are sorely missed now more than ever. 

Even chores like grocery shopping and going to the bank freely are things we wish to do just like the time before the virus hit. Having restrictions and losing the freedom to do everyday activities make us realize how much they mean to us, so we should appreciate them as we look forward to the time when we can all enjoy the outdoors once again without worry. 

P.S. If you’re heading out to get food, here are 10 hygiene tips to know when shopping in supermarkets

3. Treasure your travel adventures 

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As travel comes to a halt following the lockdowns, travel bans and restricted movement orders, it has been a great reminder of how blessed and privileged we are during normal circumstances when we could make plans and travel wherever we like. Our worries never went beyond being late for a flight or someone forgetting to bring their passport. And now, as travel is put on the back burner, we start to feel our wanderlust grow stronger by the day. Looking back on our travel memories showers us with nostalgia and a gratitude for times when we could lounge on a beach, try food of different cultures and witness beautiful landscapes without facing the effects of the coronavirus. 

P.S. Even if you can’t travel right now, read our thought-piece on why you shouldn’t stop dreaming about your next great adventure.

4. Expect the unexpected

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Cliché as it may seem, the truth behind this life lesson is undeniable. In a world where change is constant, we should always be prepared for a turn of events and in this case, the coronavirus has most definitely presented plenty of changes that we’ve had to adjust to. 

From remaining indoors for safety measures to cancelling and deferring travel plans, the uncertainties of life is what we should all keep in mind whenever and wherever we are. We may not be able to predict every single issue that life throws in our way, but we can take charge of how we handle the situation when encountered with it. While we accept the circumstances that are out of our control, it helps to stay positive, keep calm and turn to the power of dua for protection and well-being.

5. Slow down and take time for yourself 

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Despite the enforced lockdown and safety measures that have been implemented, there’s a silver lining that lies amid the ocean of chaos. Being under home confinement actually compels us to slow down for once and take the time to consciously think of how and what we spend our energy on. Pick up that book you’ve been wanting to read, watch the movies on your bucket list, find ways to catch up with friends and set goals for yourself. It's the perfect window to restart and focus on yourself which can be refreshing as it is empowering.  

6. Learn how to distinguish real news and fake news

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Ever since news of COVID-19 broke out, there has been a continuous stream of updates on social media and news platforms. Thanks to the digital age, getting information has never been easier but along with that comes unfiltered fake news that gets thrown into the mix of real information. Countless misleading and false messages are constantly being spread around, so being able to weed out what’s true and what’s not is crucial. Look out for trustworthy sources, official logos and fact check the information online. Refer to your local ministry of health (Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia) or the World Health Organization website for reliable and helpful information.

7. Cherish your loved ones

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It goes without saying that we should always cherish our loved ones but in the face of a pandemic that has taken lives at an increasing pace, it further highlights the value of time spent with family and friends. With more time on your hands during this period of confinement, getting the opportunity to bond with them is precious. Whether you have conversations, do movie nights, play board games or simply hang out together, it makes you truly appreciate how fortunate you are to have them in your life. 

8. Lend a helping hand to those in need 

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In the past few months, we've seen medical front-liners and essential workers work tirelessly to help those affected by the virus. While most of us are comfortable and staying safe at home, there are many things we can do to give support in this trying time. From providing cash contributions to purchasing medical supplies and donating food items to the hungry, no amount of effort is too small to help.

Though we may be going through difficult times right now, there's always a silver lining amid the chaos and with these valuable life lessons in mind, let's continue to pray and hope for each other until we get through the other side ❤️