Poses To Do During Your Family Video Call This Raya

8 Poses To Do During Your Family Video Call This Raya


Ili •  May 17, 2020

[Updated 11 May 2021]Hari Raya is just around the corner! And as we prepare to celebrate the festive season at home this year, one thing we'll be doing differently is capturing our Raya photos. That's right - since most (if not all) of us are planning to video call our families and relatives, getting a picture together on screen is the way to go this holiday.

Credit: GiphyJust because you won't be in the same room as your loved ones, it doesn't mean you can't have awesome Raya photos. So, we're here to share a few poses that you can do during your family video call which aren’t too hard to pull off. Whether you choose to take a screenshot or a picture of the computer screen using your phone, you’ll definitely get some memorable snaps while having fun along the way ?Before that, here are a few tips when taking photos during your video call:

  • Find a spot in your house with natural light i.e anywhere near a window.
  • Face the light source instead of having your back to it. It gives you that extra glow on top of your Raya look. 
  • Clear your background of anything that might be distracting like a pile of laundry or any other random objects. 

Now that you’ve got that covered, let's dive right into the poses!

1. A classic family photo on the couch

While it’s not so much of a pose, getting your classic Raya picture of everyone on the couch is a must! If you’re already in the living room during the video call, then all that’s left to do is sit up straight, break out your winning smile and snap the photo. Otherwise, make sure everyone is on their couch and in a ready position to get that yearly family photo during Raya ?P.S. Spruce up your home this Raya using these 7 easy and budget-friendly tips.

2. 'Interact' with each other

If you've ever seen the intro of The Brady Bunch (a popular American sitcom in the '60s), then you'll definitely be familiar with this pose we're talking about. Although you may be apart from your families and relatives, ‘interacting’ with the frame above, below or next to you creates the illusion that you’re all near one another (in a digital way at least ?). Even if you just have two screens at one time during your video call, you can still make this work! It’s definitely a fun one to try, so get creative and do whatever pose you can think of that shows your interaction with the person around you on screen. #HHWTTip: If you’re using Google Meet, you can download their Google Grid View Extension that gives you a similar layout to Zoom. This way, everyone will appear on your computer screen, including yourself!

3. Make a heart

Since you’re making a video call with your loved ones, why not show how much you miss them by pulling out all the different ways you can make a heart? Over the years, people around the world have come up with multiple ways to create this pose. So, go ahead and experiment with all these methods using your fingers, hands, arms and even your whole body!P.S. Looking for a classic Raya treat to make? This easy pineapple tart recipe is perfect for you!

4. Form one big heart

Want to take your heart pose to the next level? Work together with everyone in your video call and form a big heart like this one that the HHWT team attempted! Since everyone is arranged differently on their respective screens, you’ll need one person to take charge and direct how each person’s arm should be placed. You might will feel awkward holding up your arm while everyone is getting into position, but just hang in there because the end result will be amazing ?

5. Show off your pet

It’s a universal thing that whenever you have an animal in your photo, it becomes instantly better in every way. So take the opportunity to include your pet in your shot during your family video call! Whether it’s your cat, hamster or rabbit, getting them to be a part of your Raya photos will definitely make your pictures special. A screen filled with furry friends just warms our hearts right up ?

6. Smile and wave

Sometimes, all you need is just a simple move to make a great picture together. So take some notes from the penguins in the Madagascar film and just smile and wave ?When you do this, avoid from actually waving your hand so that you won’t get a blurry motion.

7. Show off your favourite kuih

While you might not be able to enjoy all the different Raya kuih with your family and relatives this year, one way to make up for it is by showing off your favourite treat and posing with it. This adds a festive touch to your photo and it’s a fun way to see everyone’s choice of kuih is. Plus it can serve as a future guide so that when the next celebration rolls around, you’ll know what to get each and every person ?P.S. Whip up these 5 popular kuih raya recipes at home with your family!  

8. Experiment with different shapes and styles

Much like the heart, don’t be afraid to think outside the box and experiment with different poses. Spread out on the couch, mimic a famous pose from a film or a music video and use props and accessories. The sky is the limit and you should have fun while striking different poses. Whatever you choose to do, getting your family to try out all kinds of moves makes for a memorable video call and that's the point of your virtual gathering ?Just because we'll be virtually visiting our families this holiday, it doesn't mean you have to miss out on Raya photos. If anything, this unique celebration should be all the more reason to take pictures so that you can look back at this moment as a special memory and relive it in a fond way.