This Easy Pineapple Tart Recipe Is What Every Beginner Needs This Raya

This Easy Pineapple Tart Recipe Is What Every Beginner Needs This Raya


Cheng Sim •  May 06, 2020

[Updated 6 May 2021] If there's one Raya treat that comes to mind, it's the classic pineapple tarts and our team member Tiara looks forward to it every year. A buttery pastry with pineapple filling, it took years for her mother to find the perfect recipe that suits her family's tastebuds, and this one is a winner. Besides reminding Tiara of the happy moments during Ramadan and Raya, it's also an easy and flexible recipe that will taste amazing even though you add or tweak some of the ingredients. If you want to up the ante after our easy fudgy brownies, give this pineapple tart recipe a try! P.S. You can also read the Kue Nastar (pineapple tarts) recipe in Bahasa Indonesia!


Serving size: 4 jars (450g) - 150 pieces


  • 250g margarine
  • 250g butter
  • 100g powdered sugar
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 700g low protein flour
  • 4 tablespoons of powdered milk

Pineapple paste

  • 3 small pineapples (grated or puree with blender)
  • #HHWT Tip: In Malaysia and Singapore, you can purchase pre-made pineapple paste/filling from local supermarkets to save time
  • 200g white sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 piece of cinnamon

Egg wash

  • 3 egg yolks mixed with 1 tablespoon of milk


Prep duration: 90 minutes Baking duration: 50 minutes Pineapple paste

  • Mix the grated pineapple with salt and cinnamon
  • Cook the pineapple paste on medium heat until it thickens
  • Once the pineapple paste thickens, add the sugar
  • Continue to cook until the pineapple paste becomes solid enough to mould
  • Set aside to cool
  • #HHWT Tip: If you made extra pineapple paste, you can freeze it for future use or enjoy the pineapple jam on toast!


  • Mix the margarine, butter, powdered sugar and egg with a mixer
  • Add the flour and powdered milk before mixing manually with a spatula. Mix until the dough is solid enough to mould
  • #HHWT Tip: You can add grated cheese to the dough for extra texture

  • Take a tablespoon of dough (around 8g) and flatten the dough in your palm
  • Take a teaspoon of pineapple paste, place it in the centre, fold the dough to cover the paste, and shape it the way you want

  • Prepare a baking tin layered with a baking sheet and line up the tart
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degree Celsius and bake the pineapple tarts for 20 minutes or halfway through

  • After 20 minutes, remove the baking tin from the oven and brush the top of each tart with egg wash
  • Put the baking tin into the oven again and continue baking for 30 minutes or until the tarts are golden brown and cook through
  • #HHWT Tip: The tarts are baked twice to prevent from burning the egg wash. If that happens, it'll alter the taste of the tart
  • Set aside to cool and pack it in a jar

Since pineapple tarts are an easy treat to make, there's no excuse not to try making it at home. You can treat yourself to these yummy tarts after iftar or make a few jars so you can deliver it to your relatives - just in time for Raya. Happy baking!