
Here's The Step By Step To Start Your Travel Influencer Career From Home And For Free


Tiara •  Sep 07, 2021

How can I become a travel influencer?

With international travel resuming, our chance to explore the world is open again. After more than one-year of experiencing remote working, it is proven that being a digital nomad is possible.

If you combine remote working and travel the world, the next question is 'how to be a travel influencer?'. Being a travel influencer is many travel aficionado's dreams. The good news is that you can start your travel influencer career from home and for free!

There are some steps you need to master and here they are.


No job in the world that doesn't require research, including travel influencer. New places, travel hacks, travel deals, and accessibility are some of the things you need to research. The more you research, the richer information you can share with your audience.

Doing research will also help you to do your job, which is traveling, much easier and safer.

Take photography lessons

Photography skill is one of the keys to be a travel influencer. You are the eye of the audience. They see the places you visit through the images you captured. You don't necessarily have to buy a high-end camera to be a travel influencer. Start with what you have and improve day by day.

You can also take free photography lessons or tips from online resources. For example, Nikon has a series of presentations from the world's best photographers that you can access for free. HHWT also has some easy photography tips you can try for exercise, such as photography using smartphones and mobile apps to step up your photography.

Writing exercises

Travel influencer sells their stories through the audiovisual and written medium. Even if you are not planning to write a blog about your trip, writing skill is definitely required to support your storytelling, whether it's for social media caption, voice over script, or even a title!

Writing skill is something you can exercise. For example, you can join Tribes by the HHWT community. You will meet fellow travelers around the world and sharing all the things you like with each other.

Submit your content here:



Submit your story and we will publish it on our website and social media.

Master your own social media

Start with your personal social media or make a new account dedicated to your influencer journey. Don't be shy! Remind yourself every day that you are doing this with a good intention of sharing and you are paving your way to creating content that will be useful for others.

To make it easier and more effective, you can refresh your knowledge about social media with free classes such as this one from Skillshare.

Learn other languages

Even though we cannot travel overseas right now, there will come a time where you will spread your wings internationally. Learning a third language will help you to communicate on your trip and even make friends!

Find more tips and inspiration by HHWT in these articles:

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