Simple Sunnahs Of Eid That You Can Do At Home This Raya

8 Simple Sunnahs Of Eid That You Can Do At Home This Raya


Faruq Senin •  May 21, 2020

While Eid in 2021 (also known as Hari Raya Aidilfitri or Lebaran) is celebrated under different circumstances due to COVID-19, we can still make the most out of it. Whether you're mostly staying home this Eid or doing some limited visiting, one of the ways to reap the rewards of this special day is to practise the Sunnahs of Eid-ul-Fitr (Sunat Hari Raya)! We've rounded up these 8 simple Sunnahs of Eid that you can do this Raya.

1. Make dua and increase acts of worship to Allah on the night of Eid

The night before Eid is known as "Laylatul Ja'izah" (the night of rewards). It is believed that on this night, Allah is said to reward those who have spent Ramadan abiding by the dictates of Shariah and that all prayers of the night will be accepted.

Credit: Omar Chatriwala on Flickr (This photo was taken pre-COVID) The Prophet (pbuh) said, "There are five nights on which dua is not rejected: the first night of Rajab, the fifteenth night of Sha’ban, Thursday night, the night before Eid ul-Fitr and the night before Eid ul-Adha." (As-Suyuti) P.S. Here are some fun ways to celebrate Eid at home this year!

2. Recite the takbir

Eid is a day of joy and celebration for Muslims, and it is when we also express our gratitude to Allah. Reciting the takbir aloud is a Sunnah. With phrases like "Allahuakbar" (Allah is the greatest), "Lailahaillallah" (There is no God worthy of worship except Allah) and "Wa Lillahil Hamd" (Praise be to Allah), the takbir has a significant meaning to Muslims. Whether you're heading to the mosque or staying home, you can get the Eid atmosphere by reciting the takbir aloud. Takbir starts from the night before Eid after maghrib, until the Eid prayer the next day. 

3. Take a bath on the morning of Eid

Cleanliness is a huge part of Islam and we can reap rewards just by taking a bath before we do the Eid-ul-Fitr prayers. It is better to take a bath after Fajr prayers but you can do so before Fajr too (beginning at midnight). "The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) used to have a bath on the day of Fitr and the day of Adha." (Ibn Majah) These are the basics of our everyday life but yet, we get rewards insyaAllah. A Muslim is one who is always conscious of purity and cleanliness, not only in matters of spirituality but also physically.

4. Dress your best

You've successfully completed yet another Ramadan and part of Sunnah is to celebrate this victory by dressing for the occasion.

Anas bin Malik, radhiallahu ‘anhu, said: “The Prophet ordered us to wear a good dress for Eid, to use the best perfume we have, and to give charity with what we have as the most valuable.” (Reported by al-Hakim). Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself was known to have worn his best garment on Eid and for Jumaat prayers. Even if your clothes are not new, just take an extra 5-10 minutes to pick your best outfit and dress up. This is as long as it doesn't seem extravagant, or seem like you're showing off. You're also encouraged to take care of your personal grooming like cutting your nails and hair.

5. Put on perfume

Putting on perfume is also a Sunnah that's encouraged on Eid. The Prophet (pbuh) himself applied perfume (attar) on the days of Eid. It is mentioned in the hadith: The Prophet (pbuh) once instructed us to put on perfumes with the best of what we have on (Aidilfitri / Aidiladha) (Narrated by Imam Al-Bayhaqi) P.S. If you're out visiting this year, do adhere to safe distancing measures so that we can keep the community safe!

6. Eat before Eid prayers

On Eid, we're encouraged to eat a little, like an odd number of dates, before doing the Eid prayers. Anas Ibn Malik (ra) narrated, “Allah's Messenger (pbuh) never proceeded (for the prayer) on the Day of Eid-ul-Fitr unless he had eaten some dates… and he would eat an odd number of dates.” (HR Bukhari)

Eating something before the Eid prayers also signifies that we are no longer fasting, as we are prohibited to fast on this day. The Prophet (pbuh) said, "There is no fasting (prohibited) on the two days; Aidilfitri and Aidiladha" (Sahih Al-Bukhari). If you do not have dates, even a glass of water would suffice!

P.S. Check out these 5 easy classic recipes for Raya!

7. Perform Eid prayers at the mosque, or at home

Credit: Masjid Sultan Singapore on Facebook The Eid prayers are done to celebrate the first day of Syawal after a month of fasting in Ramadan. It is Sunnah to perform the prayer in the congregation. However, as mosques are opened with limited capacity, many of you might be unable to pray at the mosque. Fret not, you can still do the Eid prayers with your family at home. Check out our step-by-step guide to performing the Eid prayers. If you're heading to the mosque, it is recommended to return home from Eid prayers in a different direction as this is a prophetic tradition.

8. Wish and congratulate one another

Exchange congratulations and pleasantries on Eid, like wishing your family and friends "Eid Mubarak" or "Selamat Hari Raya". It is also encouraged to wish each other “Taqabbal Allahu minna wa minkum (May Allah accept the worship from us and from you).

Many of us might still be separated from friends or family this Raya, but you can set up a video call with your loved ones and wish them well. Remember to do these 8 poses for your video call! We hope these 8 Sunnahs will make your Raya more fulfilling this year. Whether you're out visiting or spending Raya at home, you can reap the rewards of this special day.