
Travelling with Kids: Farhanah's Adventurous Journey to London


Noor Aishah Karim •  Aug 04, 2023

Travelling with kids can be both exciting and challenging. It requires meticulous planning, patience, and flexibility to ensure the entire family has a memorable and enjoyable experience. Farhanah (@ farhanahnoordin) , a devoted mother, embarked on a remarkable journey to London with her children, creating cherished memories that would last a lifetime.

Credit: Farhanah

Farhanah had initially planned to visit Switzerland for its breathtaking panoramic views. However, unforeseen circumstances led to the closure of some of the scenic rides during their travel period. Undeterred, Farhanah and her family set their sights on experiencing Christmas in the enchanting city of London instead. As a family prioritising their children's happiness, they were open to any destination with activities catering to kids.

Family-Friendly Activities in London

Credit: Farhanah

In London, Farhanah and her kid explored many family-friendly attractions that left them in awe. One of their memorable experiences was the London Thames River Cruise at night. Cruising along the serene Thames River, they were treated to the captivating beauty of London's iconic landmarks illuminated by the city lights.

To further explore the city, the family hopped on the popular hop-on-hop-off bus, allowing them to conveniently visit various attractions at their own pace.

The Long Flight and Patience

The journey to London involved a long flight, which can be incredibly challenging with young children. Farhanah and her spouse took turns caring for their kid during the flight. Opting not to bring a stroller to travel light, they chose baby carriers to keep their little one close and comfortable. Their efforts and patience were noticed by fellow passengers, who commended them for their exemplary handling of their children.

Choosing The Right Food Options

Credit: Farhanah

In London, they were delighted to find a wide range of halal food, eliminating any concerns they may have had about dietary restrictions. They explored various culinary delights, particularly enjoying meals at the Rasa Sayang Restaurant in Nusa Dua and Chinatown.

Exploring London's Markets and Attractions

Credit: Farhanah

While in London, Farhanah and her kid immersed themselves in the vibrant atmosphere of Borough Market and Camden Market, where they savoured delicious food and experienced the local culture.

Being fans of fantasy and magic, the family could not miss out on the Harry Potter and Shrek Adventure attractions, which left them spellbound and filled with laughter.

Convenient Public Transport

London's public transport system was a lifesaver for Farhanah and her family. The efficient tube system, similar to their local MRT, made it easy for them to navigate the city. They also enjoyed exploring London on foot, discovering hidden gems.

Preparing for Winter in London

Travelling during winter in London meant that the family had to prepare for chilly weather. Farhanah made sure her children were bundled up in warm winter clothing to keep them comfortable throughout their adventures. For those who might forget to pack suitable attire, Farhanah suggested checking out Primark, where they could find reasonably priced winter clothing.

Travelling with kids requires careful planning, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace new experiences. Farhanah's journey to London with her children showcased the beauty of family adventures. From scenic night cruises along the Thames River to exploring vibrant markets, iconic landmarks, and magical attractions, the family's trip to London was a testament to the joy of travelling together. As Farhanah and her family returned home with hearts full of precious memories, they knew that the world was their playground, and they would continue exploring new destinations together, cherishing the moments that truly mattered.