
#HHWT Explorers: Meet Amira Genied, founder of Halal cosmetics line, Zahara


Tengku Suzana •  Jul 28, 2016

When Amira Geneid, founder of Zahara, discovered the lack of high quality cosmetics specially tailored for Muslim women, she was determined to combine faith and beauty to craft the perfect makeup line. Her brand carries a range of halal cosmetics ranging from nail polishes to lipstick, with more to come. When she's not hard at work managing the daily demands of her start-up, this lady boss does what she loves - travelling!

Tell us a little bit about yourself :)

Amira Zahara

My life is about Zahara, food, family, friends and more food.

What inspired you to start Zahara?

I wanted to show the world the many diverse and beautiful faces of Muslim women around the world. Not only to educate people less familiar with our culture but also to inspire young Muslim women to be their best selves.

What has been the most rewarding experience for you since you started Zahara?

Zahara Products

I'm lucky because I get rewarded with Zahara when everyday I get beautiful messages from girls who tell me they are so happy that a brand like Zahara has finally come along. Nothing makes me smile like hearing a girl says she loves our products!

If you had an unlimited travel budget for 24 hours. What would your itinerary look like?


Going to Tokyo and eating at as many of the top restaurants as I possibly can in 24 hours, omakase until I pass out from too much food.

What are 3 of your favourite destinations, and why?


Morocco for the culture, London for the shops and Sydney for the lifestyle. And of course, they all have amazing cuisine.

What are some of the challenges you have faced while travelling and what did you learn from it?

Amira Zahara Travel

Whenever I travel somewhere I like to experience it like the locals and put a lot of pressure on myself to maximise every second and every meal. Sometimes I stress myself out waaaayy too much trying to find the right place to go and eat haha.

What are your travel must-haves?

Lucas' Papaw ointment because I always get dry lips when I travel and that cream is magic for most problems, even burns!

If you could give one piece of advice to female travellers, what would it be?

Don't be scared but trust your instincts.

Tell us an insider tip for people travelling to Paris!


When in Paris and looking for nice cafes don't go to the usual places, go to the more residential areas and watch where the locals go.

What's your favourite travel photo?


It's my favourite photo because I'm with my favourite ladies (my baby sister, my bestfriend and my niece)

Fill in the blanks: My hope for the world is that...

Woman will be equal with man.