
This Muslimah-Friendly Hair Salon Helped Me With My Hair Loss Problems


Syahirah Mazlan •  Sep 13, 2023

I’ve always struggled with my hair and scalp health ever since I was a teenager. 😔 I have a flakey scalp (caused by eczema) that gets really itchy during the more humid days. When I run my fingers through my hair, dry skin and flakes will drop onto my shoulders, making it really embarrassing to be standing too close to people in public. It came to the point of always googling and looking for home remedies such as applying warm coconut oil onto my scalp and trying various traditional hair tonics to soothe my scalp (anyone else does this too?). Spoiler alert: those remedies don’t work for long and I’m usually back at square one. So, after years of the hair and scalp struggle, I'm sharing a personal journey that I recently embarked on - a journey to tackle my long-standing battle with hair loss and scalp issues with a visit to Topp Care who are known for their targeted hair and scalp treatments!

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As someone in my mid-20s, my hair has always been a source of pride, but over the years, I've struggled with eczema and an oily scalp (that is visible to the public!), which led me to lose confidence when I’m out and about. But let's be real, the kitchen concoctions just don't cut it, and it was high time I sought professional help. That's when I discovered Topp Care, a certified specialist that uses Western Botanical Herbs for hair and scalp treatments right here in Singapore. I decided to try their Award-Winning Customised Hair Treatment @ $40 (U.P $309)! ✨

P.S. I had also heard that they have exclusive private treatment booths so that hijabi customers can let their hair down (literally) and be comfortable throughout their visit! More on that later!

A Closer Look At My Scalp

Upon entering the outlet, I was warmly greeted by the friendly Topp Care consultant who immediately ushered me into a consultation room for a Hair and Scalp Analysis. I filled in a pamphlet detailing my personal profile, hair care routine, and other hair and scalp related information. It was truly an interesting experience as I got to reflect on how and why my scalp turned out the way it did! Turns out, I haven’t been washing my hair as often as I should. I typically wash my hair 4 to 5 days a week but because my scalp was oily and eczema prone, I was advised to wash it daily to ensure a clean scalp.

The consultant then did a “pull test” on my hair to check its strength which showed that my hair was still salvageable (phew!). She also scanned my scalp to show me the current state of my scalp, to assess the condition of my scalp, hair follicles, and overall hair health. My jaw dropped and I gasped when I saw the visuals on the screen. 😥 My scalp was not only oily but flaky and bumpy too! There was some inflammation and redness from all the scratching I’ve been doing thanks to the eczema.

My scalp scan before the treatment

Looking at all that unfold in front of me, I was feeling glad to be seeking professional help at Topp Care. The consultant even shared how I should manage my hair when I’m at home such as how often I should wash my hair, what products I should avoid and what to be mindful of when styling my hair.

P.S. Seeking help for dealing with similar issues? Check out Topp Care’s Award-Winning Customised Hair Treatment @ $40 (U.P $309) and Free Hair/Scalp Analysis and Botanical Tonic!

Giving Some TLC To My Scalp

Next came the deep cleansing of my scalp, a refreshing and invigorating process that helped remove excess oil and impurities. I got myself comfortable in one of the four private treatment booths and was given a customised hair and scalp masque. Based on the analysis of my hair and scalp condition, Topp Care's experts prepared a customised Dead Sea hair and scalp masque designed to address my specific issues of inflamed and oily scalp. This bespoke approach gave me confidence that I was receiving a treatment tailored just for me! 😊

The cooling sensation of the hair masque was incredibly refreshing as it worked diligently to control and optimise sebum production. This potent formula went beyond surface-level benefits, efficiently eliminating excess oil and dead skin from pores and follicles. Moreover, it excelled in detoxifying the scalp, effectively soaking up impurities for a comprehensive and thorough cleansing experience!

Once the masque was applied, I was instantly in “relax mode”. The cooling sensation along with the peaceful music and hot chrysanthemum tea served added much tranquillity to my visit as I waited for the masque to settle into my scalp. 🙌🏼

Botanical Hair Wash

Afterwards, I went to wash it off and got a super amazing head massage along with a botanical hair wash using natural ingredients like horse chestnuts, maidenhair fern, almond oil, horsetail, and other botanical extracts! The absence of harsh chemicals was reassuring, as I'd always believed that natural solutions were the way to go for hair health. The wash left my hair feeling light, clean, and oh-so-smooth.

Relaxation Time!

To improve hair growth, a specialised botanical lotion was applied to my scalp. It was incredibly soothing and not at all greasy, which was a pleasant surprise. I learnt that the specialised botanical lotion offers a multitude of benefits. It rejuvenates and energises the scalp, creating a nourishing environment that fosters healthy hair growth. I was definitely enjoying myself - a little too much too because I kept zoning out.

The next step was the stimulating scalp massage, a delightful experience that sent shivers of relaxation down my spine! It not only felt amazing but also helped in improving blood circulation and also helps in absorption of the hair lotion, a vital aspect of hair growth.

Finally, it was time for the hair growth laser treatment which happened to be in the form of a helmet! 😄 This advanced technology energised and awakened my hair follicles while regulating and stimulating hair growth. I could feel a gentle warmth on my scalp, and it was a comforting sensation.

After completing all these steps, I felt like I was walking on air. My scalp felt revitalised, and I had renewed hope for my hair's future. But it doesn’t just feel great, my scalp looks so much better too! Upon viewing the before and after scans, I got to see the vast difference between what my scalp condition was like and what it was capable of becoming. The oil and flakes on my scalp were removed almost instantly and my head felt lighter too.

The Results

P.S. A healthy scalp is a happy one! Check out Topp Care’s Award-Winning Customised Hair Treatment @ $40 (Worth $309) and Free Hair/Scalp Analysis and Botanical Tonic!

Topp Care definitely exceeded my expectations with their comprehensive and holistic approach to hair and scalp health! I can now be more confident in my hair and scalp and not worry too much about being judged for the way they look on the outside. 😎 This experience has put me in a great mood and I highly recommend anyone looking to relieve their hair and scalp of stress and impurities to give it a try. Afterall, Topp Care provides a Muslim-friendly environment for Muslim customers to feel right at home from their female consultants to private treatment booths and much more.

Topp Care

Address: 3, Simei Street 6, #03-24 Eastpoint Mall, 528833

Opening hours: Mon - Friday; 11am - 9pm | Sat - Sun; 10am - 7pm

Contact number: 6645 3020

WhatsApp hotline link here!

Book your consultation here!

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This article was brought to you by Topp Care.